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Band News

Hows it goin everyone? Yesterday Cam, Scott, Abbot, and I went to the Exodus concert! They fricken slayed. It was great inspiration for our musical direction and our stage presence. We are currently writing some more music, and we gaurantee you it is metal all the way. We miss the stage, but the next time you see us up there, we gaurantee it will be brutal. Currently Cam is practicing hardcore on his drum kit and his guitar, Josh is still belting out some insane riffage, Scott is also writing music and improving his skillz substantially, and I am developing some pretty brutal new chops as well. So hang on to your panties, we will return!
- Cam & Zack

Hey it's Josh. Demolita is 100% ready for distribution so if you havn't gotten a copy yet, just email us. In other news, Zack and I are working on setting up Ninjam between us which is a handy little program that lets us Jam over the internet so if all goes well, we be able to write plenty of new kickass material. Oh and the songs that we are recording in our jam area are sounding very nice. Not as nice as the quality of demolita but still damn good enough for us and hopefully for all of our fans.
- Josh

Summer's not over yet SCOTT!
Hello everyone, I want to say thank you to all the people who like our little demo we put together. We worked hard enough on the little f*cker! I want to let everyone know that the music you heard on "Demolitia" is decent for the band that we used to be, but we've all been through alot musically and now our sound is much more brutal. It's faster, heavier, Thrashier (F*CK YEAH!) and we're all more in-tune to metal now, much better than the crap we put on "Demolitia." Our older stuff can't even touch out newer MUSIC. So I want to let our fans know that if ya'll enjoyed the music we used to make, but always thought "Damn, those guys could really belt out some crazy sh*t!, if only they tried...", if any of our fans said that, than you all were absolutely friggin right! So with that said to our old fans (I mean that in a good way), I would like to address our newer fans (Risenites, if you will), be prepared for some crazy, off the wall, smelly apesh*t! We're coming to stuff that sh*t down all your frickin throats! In short, thanks to our fans, new and old, for liking our stuff, Cameron and I both appreciate it as well as rest of the band. But, be prepared for some really different music than our previous sh*t, it's definitely much better. Two more thingies, the first one goes to Josh, Scott, and Zack, DO MORE POSTS YOU FRICKIN WANKERS! When you gangbangers go to college, ya'll need to update us on the activity of your soon to be helter skelter lives! I'm also particulary interested in if going to college was worth it or if it's just as bad as hike thcool. The other thingy is that Exodus (the greatest Thrash band to come from the Bay Area Thrash Scene's nasty pee-pee hole) is putting out their new cd "Shovel Headed Kill Machine" and it should be done and out by October fifth in this year (2005)! Well that's enough commentary from me I'll let Cameron finish it up. Thanks to our fans, to the people who clean garbage for a living (I'm still waiting for ya'll to come pick up Scott!), and also a special thanks to Jash and Zock for rocking out when I was leaving, hopefully you fishheads will be able to post that stuff soon! That's it, I can no longer say anymore, but I'll leave all you with this little sh*t-kicker: With minds of absolute solidarity, there's no way we can go wrong when creating the endless and the timeless, Music (well Thrash anyway).

Wrapping up Summer
Hey everyone, as summer is wrapping up I’ll update you on where the band stands, first, today I burned 45 copy’s of Demolitia, printing will ensue and distribution will begin shortly, like, this week. As for the greater number of songs not on Demolitia, namely our newest and best material, all of that will be recorded by us, with our own equipment at our practice/jamming area. As you all know, Demolitia consists of Payback, Forsaken Soul, and Omen. Apart from that we have recorded the majority of Liquid Pain, M.I.A., Farewell, Song 13, Automaton, Redemption and Your Worst Nightmare. We’ll finish and post those online over the winter to give you fans some new material. Right now Cameron is in Wisconsin, his new home state where he will stay, so it’s not likely that we will be able to record anymore drums this year. Josh is attending Normandale for this school year, Zach is going to Mankato State, and I, Scott, will be going to Gustavus in St. Peter. Hopefully we’ll develop some new material for the Guitars before we break for school, and we’ll record what we can. Under the circumstances we feel we’re in a very good position, and look forward to next summer, perhaps a full studio album, and more giging.

Hello, it's been awhile, tonight myself and Josh made up a new song, so we'll add this to our "in progress" list, it's very reminiscient of old Metallica, Metal Church, and Testament. So far it starts out slow, with some good tom work of course, and the riffs are frickin killer. As of now, we don't really know what the transitions are, we basically just play all willy nilly like, but then it goes into this really fast thrash part, and oh man, it's friggin nuts. It's definitely different from the previous stuff we've done, but it's very good and thrashy, as always. Also, my bandmates have told me to behave myself, more so on my verbal vulgarity, so if I have offended anyone or driven anyone away, good, but I do want to say thanks to all you mo-fo's who stuck around, I appreciate it. Bye you gangbangers!
- Cam and somewhat Joshualistofersabethapolis

Hey All, We finished the mixing of the demo, now it will be about another week until it is actually released. The music itself is available now on the links under the section "Risen Below On the Web" for free download or just streaming audio [56K listners should use the low bandwidth on the Cornerband site. We are working on getting some shows set up soon. We will definately keep you updated and remember to email or hit us up on myspace for a free copy of the demo if you can't make it to the next show. We will be giving out the demo at the next show, so you should all be there, whenever it will be. After that we will charge a couple of dollars for it, so definately try to make it to the next show!!! As for overall band news we won't be recording the full album Liquid Pain until next summer due to personal issues and educational conflicts with the normal schedule. So keep your eyes open for the next tour dates to get a free copy of the demo! Rock on all
-Zack and Scott

This is Cam, if you see any of us in school, on the streets, in dark allies, or hanging out in your mother's hamper, and you are wondering "When the H*LL are they going to finish their demo, I want one of those nastay thangs ASAP!" Well then look no further, no we don't have it yet (I didn't mean to lead any of you on) but we do have little crappy I.O.U.'s for the cd. So when WE finally get it, ya'll'll be able to hear it. On the little I.O.U's, we have given our website address, our e-mail address and also other stuff, so if you have that little itty bitty card, good. One more thing, you don't actually need the card to obtain a replication of the thrash musicality, collectively known as "Demolitia." I just wanted to say that so no information was/is misconstrued. Bye Ho's-lees!

Hello everybody. To keep you updated on the progress of the band, over the weekend, Josh and myself pretty much finished our parts for "Farewell." It's an incredibly melodius song with some good thrashiness thrown in there. So far, my drum parts are pretty killer, and josh's guitar parts are perfectly matched with Zack's crazy leads. Also, this is the first song where I actually know what I play so that's a relief on my part. Zack called me a couple day's ago and said that his guitar parts are finished and now we just need to make them fit in the parts that Josh and I made, so, that's pretty cool, I guess. One more thing, does anyone know how many days are left of school, counting today, EIGHT, that's right, no that's not right , there are only SIX, SIX days left (sorry my math is skrewed up). Six days before us seniors say "Farewell," then it's off to college for some of us, to the porn industry for some of us, and to the gutter with most. To my knowledge, Josh, Zack, and Scott are all going to college so I'll probably either go to the gutter or live with wild turkeys in Montana and be a autodidact. Either way, we all win. We're hoping to keep this band going, but things are looking up in the air right now, so we'll see. David Krick says he has nothing to say either (he's speechless), so goodbye...

Wait come back, I forgot to mention that we'll probably post some new pictures of the band when we're rehearsing our new stuff. Then all of you gangbangers can see us breathing heavily, nice and sweaty, drippng droplets of metal sweat and stinking like an unclean skunk ass. We (I actually mean I) think it would be cool to put some video's on the site, but I am not sure because i'm not into all this computer shit, so I'll most likely ask Josh if we can or not. I just want to keep everyone up to speed on the progress we're making on our new stuff; don't want to leave any of our fans behind. If you checked in, thanks, if not, tell me and I'll scalp you non-checking-in-self with no remorse.

Hey rejects, how's it going (I'm just skrewin around)? Over the weekend Corey Benson contaced Zack and told him that the rough mixes are finally done and that we can come over as soon as we're ready! Also, I would like to note that Corey's idea of "rough" is in reality top notch stuff, so when it comes time for us to listen to it and make suggestions for improvement, there will probably be little to ameliorate. So this means that hopefully the demo will be out soon and when I say soon I mean, SOON BEFORE SCHOOL'S OUT! FINALLY, some real progress is made with this demo, god how long did it take us to do it? I apologize for the band's premature hastiness in regards to the demo's completion, but oh well. I can't wait to hear it, I think it'll sound pretty killer. Hopefully ya'll'll feel the same way. Well everyone, that's it, go away.
~ Cam

Hey everyone, we are done with the tracking, so now it's onto mixing and producing the demo. So we'll keep you updated with that. Also we have some really good news! When Josh and we went to the studio on Sunday to finish up the tracking, Cory told us that a producer from New York who also handles promotions and is in the 'big business' offered to produce our full album "Liquid Pain" (titled tentatively) for free because he is a metal head and also was very impressed by our music and liked it a lot.
~Zack + Cam

Hey all, Well, here's the deal, we are done with the tracking on 2 of the 3 songs on Demolitia and we will be able to finish on the third one shortly. So I'm estimating Demolitia will be released in a couple of weeks. We'll give it away at our next show or just wherever else you see us. Our next show will be in about a month or so. But we will tell you all the exact date on all of these indeavors. As far as song writing goes, right now we are working very hard on 2 more songs. "Farewell" is a softer one and "M.I.A." is a heavy ass, fast ass thrash song, so get ready to hear some of the best shit we have ever written at upcoming shows.

Wow, people need to post more, well, quick update, tomorrow Zach and myself will go to the studio to drop the last few tracks on Demolitia, then Cory will start, and hopefully soon after finish, mixing and mastering our lil CD, it should be ready a few weeks before the end of the school year. Right now our main focus is on writing new material, yesterday and today we made huge progress on both Farewell and what we call for now, The Thrash Song. Farewell will show our more melodic side, where as Thrash is looking to be our fastest, and one of our heaviest songs yet. Together these songs represent that we are upping the quality of our music, while maintaining our own edge and at the same time keeping our music diverse and entertaining. We are also only a few steps away from being able to record ourselves in the attic, which will allow us to be able to practice and write more, as well as let the fans see at all times what we are working on. Our goal now is to get 12-15 tracks written and ready for Liquid Pain by the end of the summer.

Hey everybody, well, next to the H.S. battle of the bands, we had the best day in Risen Below’s rocking history. We spent our entire Saturday at Curbside Productions, working with Cory Benson and others perfecting and recording our stuff. We now have recorded 80% of Demolitia, and so far its sounding amazing, far beyond what I was expecting. All that’s left is for me to drop a few lines and Zack to do a few solo’s and whatever else his amazing self does. Anyway, now all the drum tracks are done, sounding great, the people at curbside helped cam get them in top shape all tuned up nice and perfect, and, thank god, a new snare head, we’ll make the old one all purdy for somebody and give it out at the Demolitia Release party whenever and wherever it is, we’ll wait and see when its all done, keep checking for updates. All Josh’s parts are complete, with some great tones, Zack ripped it up on vocals, better than I’ve ever heard him sing before, and I have almost all my stuff done. We’re all really excited for what’s to come, all that we are writing and now Demolitia, which will be out before schools done.

What is upward? This is Scott and Cam, this last Saturday we rewrote some of Josh’s parts to Omen and changed a few other things in that song around, so basically now the song has a more consistent heavy feel through the first 3 parts of the song, other than that we’re getting all our stuff squared away in order to record Demolitia next weekend with Cory Benson at Curbside Productions. He was the guy that installed the Undergrounds sound system, and helped with the sound at the final battle there. Anyway, a lot of our stuff is sounding better with Joshes new sounds he can get with his new Pod thing, keep checking for more info on Demolitia, we’ll post any news we have. If you’re interested in a copy E-Mail us at, and sign up for the mailing list through the Guest Book.
~Scott + Cam

Hey ya'll, is Scott, well, thanks to everyone who came out to the garage, it was an fun, exciting and interesting evening. We played with a number of really good bands, like Mindrite, All the Pretty Horses and Screaming Monkey Boner, now Screaming Mechanical Brain. For the next couple of months we will be concentrating on recording Demolitia and writing new material, in hopes of making the full album, Liquid Pain, by the end of summer. Thanks for all the support so far, and keep up to find out more about Demolitia as more comes a long.

Josh here. I'd like to thank everyone who came to support us at the garage. It was a blast being able to play for our fans and than hang out with them while rocking out to some great bands. As you have probably already noticed, Our homepage is slightly different. I went and changed out the layout a bit and i hope everyone likes the new look. I'm going to be making some other changes as well very soon including an Archived News section. As a side note, I am also looking into getting our own webserver, along with a .com name. Once that is setup, i'll be able to start putting some really cool stuff up such as a forumn.

As of yesterday, we (Josh, Scott, and myself) played our new song for the upcoming talent show. Over the past weekend I purchased drum mics, a new base head (recommended by Corey Benson, curbside productions), an ice bell (zil-bel), a cow bell, a hi-hat tambourine combo, brushes, a stand for my new china, and a shitload of new guitar strings. Our roster of equipment is definitely getting up there, I also made down payments on a new Marshall half stack plus the head, MG100HDFX/MG412 (the head), it's fucking crazy, it's ripping loud and it's also extremely good quality. In terms of the music we're making its all sounding really thrashy and good so far, it's really fast and heavy. We're having a real good time making our new tunes. I'll try to coax the other no-talent wannabes into making some new pictures of our new practice space over at Josh's mum's house. Until later.

What up ya'll, Scotty dog here bringing some updates and one huge thank you, to Josh, who finally got a live shows page, which frankly just rocks. On the other hand, lol, we're gonna be cutting back on live shows in order to do a couple main things, namely to write and record. We've got some studio time set up, and we'll record our demo, Demolitia, and wow thats a really...big... pun, that I just detected, ouch well, pending discussion on the name... our first demo will be coming out most likely by the end of the school year, also by then we'll have a logo. Anyway, the biggest thing right now is the April 9th show at The Garage (link at bottom of page) and you can see the poster thingy a few posts down. We are rushing to get another song done, called Farewell. Its looking to be a pretty good blend of melodic and soft then hard, fast and heavy. We got on a sweet bill, lots of good bands, and more good news is that it will be a hard rock crowd. Anyway, many things in the works like Cam said, so yeah, yay again for Josh, for makin the live shows page and being the best web dude I know, anyway rock on

It was Zach

Hey it's josh. I just got done editing the website. I added a live shows page, and fixed a problem with the guestbook. Scott or Zack... whoever tried to edit the the guestbook good job on the copy paste :p . copy/paste doesn't work on everything, so ask me if you need help changing something (mainly the guestbook). On a positive note, I am greatly looking forward to playing on april 9th at the garage, and i hope everyone who like us and/or any of the other bands playing that night can make it. It's going to be a wicked lineup that shouldn't be passed up!

I want to give thanks to all the bands that played with us at the "Battle of the Bands," it was really a fun time; The Big One Two deserved to win, they really had their shit together. Also a big thanks to our fans that came to support us. Another thanks to any new peeps that stopped to check us out. We really had a swell time playing for you all. I would like to comment that we as a band will be focusing for the remainder of this month (March) on writing new material. We will be focusing on writing more fast shit, as well as some more thrashy tunes. As a band we are heading in a little more thrashy/fast direction but not to worry, we'll definitely still keep up the melodic and slow aspect as well. Through conversing and contemplation, we feel that our music is best when it's fast so, to reiterate myself, we'll focus on faster (but still heavy) music. Keep your eyes and ears focused on the horizon, for our advent will be followed by melodious chaos with a tint of death, and rea.. (cameron i don't know what goes after this..-josh)

Hey everybody, well, we just got the awesome news yesterday, we will be performing in the TC UNDERGROUND BATTLE OF THE BANDS FINAL on SATURDAY MARCH 12th, which is sweet, cuz now we will be competing with five bands for the following prizes.
1. $300 and 20 hours professional quality studio recording time
2. $200 and 10 hours Professional quality studio recording time
3. $100
That’s a ton of great stuff, props to the underground for providing great prizes. The other bands we will be competing against are Skattish (Ska), The Big One Two (Garage Rock), The Hollywoods (Ska) and Four Minor Drawbacks (Punk). So its looking to be a tough competition, and we’d love all the support we can get. The battle takes place as stated above, on Saturday March 12th, Music will be from 6-10 and doors open at 5. Cost is $5, The TC Underground Website gives you a map. It’s a pretty tricky place to find, but its two blocks after Lindale going towards Minneapolis on the right, and cuz the sign is so small its almost better to look for the punk rock music store next door, Extreme Noise. If you’re coming from downtown its about a block after Wendy’s on the left, but yeah, I’d mapquest it if you’ve never been there. So yeah, come out and ROCK WITH US, dance, headbang, go crazy, see ya’ll at the TCU then.

Hey all, nothing much new here. We are currently writing more music and Josh is getting a whole new sound setup for his guitar so...yeah. The next show is April 9th at the Garage! Doors are at 6:00 and we go on at 6:30 on the side stage. Screaming Monkey Boner will also be playing later that night. It will be a great show! Go to The Garage Venue Website for more information and the address for directions. Help us make this a kick ass show by brining everyone you know that likes metal or hard rock! Email us with questions. Rock On!!!

Well, today is the day, Round Two of the TC Underground Survivor Battle of the Bands. After the first round we're doing...not as good as we think we could be doing. Anyway, the important thing is that we have some studio time if we win first or second, but first things first, we need to get into that final round, so please come out, let us give you a good show, and hopefully you'll like our stuff enough to vote. This even is at the underground which at times has been hard to find. They put a map up on the site, but I'd mapquest it just in case. Their sign out front is a lil small, so one thing to look for is the "Punk Rock Music Store" which I believe is called "Extreme Noise" but yeah, both of those are on you're right as you drive from slp to Mlps and its on the Mlps side of Uptown. One other thing is that unfortunately there is no moshing allowed, if that happens they just cut the power, and that would kinda suck. So you know we love it when people get into our music, just try to do it in other ways. Hope to see you all there, we'll have a great time and hopefully rock you all!!

Hi, currently, we've been working on Automaton and it's crazy as hell! It's by far the fastest song we've created and possibly the most diverse, it's starts soft, goes into really fast thrash metal, goes into "band momentum" (when everyone plays the same beat), ends in death metal and comes out soft as hell. Of course when we play live we'll only play the heavy parts, but when the recording comes out, it's definitely going to have a swell vibe to it.

What up ya'll, just a few updates, we're working a ton on a new song Zack and Cam wrote most of called Automaton, it's looking to be our heaviest and hardest song to play so far, hopefully you'll all think it rocks as much as we do. We'll probably have it ready to play by our next gig, which is friday the 25th at the TC Underground (link provided at bottom of page). Its the second round of their survivor battle of the bands. We got an OK turnout last time, but we split the SLP vote with Oddball, who was also playing that night, so we're gonna need a lot more votes to compete. We'd love to see you there. We also have a top secret logo in the works, can't tell you any details but its gonna look sweet, after that we'll decorate up this website a lil more for you guys, and do other stuff like putting pics by the band bio's and stuff. Also keep signing the guestbook, we've gotten more and more hits, so keep in touch, thank you all and remember to come friday the 25th, ROCK ON!!

Hey, today, it was announced that we won first place, Oddball took second, and fellow senior band Frank Must Die took third. We just want to thank everyone that showed up to support us, you guys ROCKED!!! Without a doubt the crowd energy made us play better. It was a great battle, all the bands had solid sets. Thanx again to everyone that came. Next Gig= Feb. 25 at the Underground in uptown. BE THERE!!!!!! Rock On
~Scott + Zack

Wow, k, well, we just finished playing by far our best gig so far, the St. Louis Park Sr. High Battle of the Bands, an event that I’ve been to for four years. It's always a great time, but man, there were a lot of firts, first time we've performed their, first rap group ever to do their thing, and i believe the first MOSH PITS, inspired by the musical stylings of both Oddball and us. The crowd was amazing their energy definitely made us play better, head banging, moshing, everything, it was great. The other bands held it down great, especially Oddball, Frank Must Die and Roadside Beaver. Thank you all so much for coming to rock out with us, the crowd was beyond our wildest dreams, amazing energy, just wow, i'm so so pumped up after that, ROCK ON!!!.

Hey ya'll, well, now that the band is settled into our new home in joshes mom's attic we're getting down to business (Pics coming soon). We're starting to write as a whole band, which is really fun and producing some really good songs, maybe you'll even see one by the next underground gig on the 25th... Anyway, our School Battle of the bands is coming up this thursday, we're all really excited to play in front of a home crowd. So come check us out and keep signing that guest book. Also if you have a myspace account comment on our pics and such.

I'd like to thank everyone who came to TCU to support us, I had alot of fun playing, as did Joshthalamew, Zacharias, and Scottenburg, but I personally thought we weren't ready because of insufficient practice. Well that's all I have for now but I know we'll be making some killer songs in the future and with more practice, kick some major ass, I'm talking big dimply hippopotamus ass!

Last night at the Underground we played our first show at a true venue, and it rocked. We all had a great time, lotsa people showed up and rocked out with us, Oddball and Skattish rocked the house as well. We also got some bonus points for winning one of the survivor challenges, which was pretty fun. Another cool thing is that we bought a CD of our show, so we'll be able to post songs with drums bass and vocals as well as guitars on conerband, myspace and purevolume (links provided at bottom of page). Thanks to all who came and those who didn't hopefully will have a chance to see us at either the SLP High School Battle of the Bands, or round 2 of the Underground Battle. Thanks again, and look for those new song posts by early this week.

Yo it's Josh. I just got done fixing and cleaning up the site, like getting rid of that retarded red "x" where there are no pictures and guess what?... I put a picture there. Also fixed some table issues and other technical things that makes everything look better. Anyway, we are playing this saturday so Come ROCK out with Us, OddBall and Skattish this Saturday.

Hey Everyone. I have updated info!!! On Jan. 22 (Round I of battle) we will be playing with Oddball and Skattish. On Feb. 25 (Round II of Battle) we will be playing with The Hollywoods and 4 Minor Drawbacks.
Also we are playing at the Saint Louis Park High School battle of the bands on Feb. 10 at 7:00. Also, sign the guestbook, because I just put it up!!! Later

Hey All. The dates for the battle of the bands at the underground are set!!!
Round I= Jan. 22
Round II= Feb. 25
We will be playing either the 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock slot so we'll keep you updated. Tell everybody that you know to come to the shows! Cost is $5 and we will be playing after or before another band. Email us if you are coming, are willing to help us promote, or just have any questions or wanna talk.

Hey, Happy New Year! We finally got some pics!!! Hopefully more will be soon to come, we are also working on booking dates at the Underground (link provided below). We will post those dates asap, we're also anxiously awaiting some drum mic's which will soon come so we can record cam's amazingly awesome stuff. P.S. cam still hasn't picked up his pants, and now I dont know where they are, sry cam

Sweet Bands



The Statistics



TC Underground

The Garage

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